Measured 5 ice and snow removal tools on snowy days to help you avoid freezing in winter
The door freezes in the morning and can't be opened? Measured 5 ice and snow removal tools on snowy days to help you avoid freezing in winter
A lot of friends have asked me recently
What should I do if the temperature is too low and the door is frozen?
How to quickly remove the ice on the car glass?
What should I do if the car has too much snow?
5 common de-icing and snow-removing products I bought on purpose
I hope that through the following 5 evaluations, we can help you choose a fast and effective de-icing and snow-removing product.
除冰铲就是比较传统的除冰工具。A deicing shovel is a more traditional deicing tool.
除冰桶是最近炒的比较火的“网红产品”,打开某宝推荐最多的就是它。The de-icing bucket is a popular "Internet celebrity product" that has been recently fried. It is the one that is most recommended when opening a certain treasure.
除冰剂是从航空领域扩展到汽车用品领域的除冰产品。De-icers are de-icing products that have expanded from aviation to automotive supplies.
医用酒精的除冰原理和除冰剂是一样的,所以我把它加入了这次测试,毕竟酒精随处可以买到还很便宜。The deicing principle of medical alcohol is the same as deicer, so I added it to this test, after all, alcohol is available everywhere and cheap.
雪刷和冰铲有点像,就是在冰铲的基础上做的升级,专用于除雪的工具The snow brush is a bit similar to the ice shovel. It is an upgrade based on the ice shovel. It is a tool dedicated to snow removal.
「除雪时间测试」「Snow Removal Time Test」
我在一个下了一整晚大雪的早晨,做了一个挡风玻璃除雪测试,我把有积雪的挡风玻璃分成了5份,然后依次使用这5种产品除干净玻璃上的雪。I did a windshield snow removal test one morning when it snowed heavily all night. I divided the snow-covered windshield into 5 parts and used the 5 products in order to remove the snow from the glass.
除冰铲(除雪时间:1分钟)De-icing shovel (snow removal time: 1 minute)
这种传统的除雪工具还是比较好用的,我花了1分钟就把这块挡风玻璃上的积雪弄干净了。This traditional snow removal tool is still relatively easy to use, and it took me 1 minute to clean the snow off this windshield.
这个铲子有两面可以用,正着用可以快速的把雪铲掉,唯一的问题就在于,如果雪太厚了,这个铲子就显得稍微小了一点,除雪还是比较费力的,扫雪的速度可能还不如毛掸子快...This shovel can be used on two sides, and it can quickly shovel the snow away. The only problem is that if the snow is too thick, the shovel will appear a little smaller. Not as fast as a duster...
除冰桶(除雪时间:1分17秒)De-icing bucket (snow removal time: 1 minute 17 seconds)
网红除冰桶实际体验后,我个人觉得还没有除冰铲好用...我用了1分17秒才除干净玻璃上的雪。After the actual experience of the net red de-icing bucket, I personally think that the de-icing shovel is not easy to use... It took me 1 minute and 17 seconds to remove the snow on the glass.
最大的原因我觉得是除冰桶用料太差,虽然都是塑料,但是它明显比除冰铲要软要脆,我甚至都不敢太用力,生怕把它弄破了...The biggest reason I think is that the de-icing bucket is made of poor material. Although it is made of plastic, it is obviously softer and more brittle than the de-icing shovel. I don't even dare to use too much force, for fear of breaking it...
除冰剂(除雪时间:❌)医用酒精(除雪时间:❌)。Deicer (snow removal time: ❌) medical alcohol (snow removal time: ❌).
说实话,我觉得这2件产品对除雪确实是没啥帮助,因为理论上只要雨刷没有被冻住,上车直接打开雨刷就能够把雪都刷掉,所以我直接跳过这俩的除雪测试。To be honest, I think these two products are really not helpful for snow removal, because theoretically, as long as the wipers are not frozen, the snow can be wiped off directly when you get in the car, so I just skip these two snow removal tests.
「除冰效果测试」「De-icing effect test」
由于这个冬天我的车停在户外,但挡风玻璃实在没法结冰,所以我只好买了一个挡风玻璃的模型,然后喷上水放到冰箱里面冷冻一晚让它结冰。Since my car was parked outdoors this winter, the windshield couldn't freeze, so I had to buy a model windshield, spray it with water, and put it in the freezer overnight to freeze it.
除冰桶(除冰效果:☆)De-icing bucket (De-icing effect: ☆)
除冰桶的握感还不错的,但由于材质偏软是硬伤,所以它的除冰效果不怎么样,遇到冰比较厚的位置,要反复刮擦几下才行,这么一小块玻璃,我用了整整1分11秒才把玻璃模型上的冰弄干净。The grip of the de-icing bucket is not bad, but because the material is soft and hard, its de-icing effect is not very good. When the ice is thicker, it needs to be scratched several times. Such a small piece Glass, it took me exactly 1 minute and 11 seconds to get the ice off the glass model.
除冰铲(除冰效果:☆☆)De-icing shovel (De-icing effect: ☆☆)
除冰铲的除冰效果立竿见影,每一下都能刮掉冰,我用了44秒就刮干净了挡风玻璃模型上的冰。The de-icing effect of the de-icing shovel was immediate, scraping the ice with every stroke, and it took me 44 seconds to scrape the ice off the windshield model.
然后我再次冷冻了挡风玻璃模型Then I froze the windshield model again
以便后面做除冰剂和医用酒精的除冰测试For later de-icing tests with de-icers and medical alcohol
除冰剂(除冰效果:☆☆☆☆)医用酒精(除冰效果:☆☆☆)。De-icing agent (De-icing effect: ☆☆☆☆) Medical alcohol (De-icing effect: ☆☆☆).
我把除冰剂和医用酒精同时喷到结冰的挡风玻璃模型上后,冰以肉眼可见的速度开始融化。After I sprayed both deicer and medicated alcohol on a frozen model windshield, the ice began to melt at a rate visible to the naked eye.
因为它们的冰点都比较低,并且可以和水相融,所以理论上就降低了它们相融之后的液体冰点,让冰可以快速的融化。Because their freezing points are relatively low and can be melted with water, theoretically, the freezing point of the liquid after they melt is lowered, allowing the ice to melt quickly.
但总体上来说,除冰剂要比医用酒精融化冰的速度要更快一些。But in general, deicers melt ice faster than medical alcohol.
除雪刷(除雪除冰效果:☆☆☆☆☆)Snow removal brush (snow removal and ice removal effect: ☆☆☆☆☆)
这款雪刷随手一推或一拉便可清除车上的积雪,大大加快了除雪的速度,如果有结冰的状况,可以用尾部的铲头进行铲除,清理干净后剩下的积雪,用刮水条清理干净即可,与传统除冰铲相比,在原有基础上增加更多的功能,如旋转刷头、伸缩杆等,区别与传统雪刷外,还增加了一个拆卸的功能,不用担心产品太大占用空间This snow brush can remove the snow on the car with one push or pull, which greatly speeds up the snow removal. If there is ice, you can use the shovel at the rear to remove the remaining snow after cleaning. , Just use the wiper strip to clean it up. Compared with the traditional deicing shovel, more functions are added on the original basis, such as rotating brush head, telescopic rod, etc. In addition to the traditional snow brush, a disassembled Function, don't worry about the product taking up too much space
除雪、除冰测试结论:Snow and ice removal test conclusions:
单从除雪时间和除雪效果上来看,我觉得除雪刷除冰剂除冰效果都还不错。From the point of view of snow removal time and snow removal effect, I think the snow removal brush and deicing agent have a good deicing effect.
除冰铲作为传统的除雪用具,在雪不大的情况下还是可以的。As a traditional snow removal appliance, the deicing shovel can still be used when the snow is not large.
而“网红除冰桶”的除雪和除冰效果是最差的。The "net celebrity de-icing bucket" has the worst snow removal and de-icing effect.
「适用范围Scope of Application」
(此项是我个人的主观体验结论,仅供大家参考)(This is my personal subjective experience conclusion, for your reference only)
除冰铲(适用范围:除雪、除霜、除冰)。De-icing shovel (applicable scope: snow removal, defrosting, de-icing).
除冰铲的应用范围我觉得还挺广的,基本挡风玻璃上的雪、冰、霜,都能除干净。I think the scope of application of the deicing shovel is quite wide. Basically, the snow, ice and frost on the windshield can be removed.
特别是除冰,因为它本身的塑料就比较硬,边缘也比较锋利,只要稍微一用力就能铲破玻璃表面的冰层,达到除冰的效果。Especially for deicing, because the plastic itself is relatively hard and the edges are relatively sharp, as long as a little force can be used to shovel the ice layer on the surface of the glass to achieve the effect of deicing.
但是它也有缺点,就是除雪的速度比较慢,如果玻璃上的雪很厚,那么就要在大冬天里站在寒风中除十几分钟的雪,说实话我是不大愿意的。But it also has a disadvantage, that is, the speed of snow removal is relatively slow. If the snow on the glass is very thick, then it is necessary to stand in the cold wind for more than ten minutes in the winter. To be honest, I am reluctant.
除冰桶(适用范围:除雪、除霜)。De-icing bucket (applicable scope: snow removal, defrosting).
我觉得它只能够应对汽车玻璃积雪和结霜情况。I think it can only deal with snow and frost on car glass.
因为它的材质比软,边缘也不够锋利,加上它的操作方法是直接放在结冰的玻璃上反复刮,而且必须要用很大的力,才能除去玻璃表面比较厚的冰。Because its material is relatively soft and the edges are not sharp enough, and its operation method is to repeatedly scrape it directly on the frozen glass, and it must use a lot of force to remove the thicker ice on the glass surface.
要是有的车主天生神力,搞不好会直接把玻璃按破了...If some car owners are born with supernatural powers, maybe they will directly break the glass...
除冰剂(适用范围:除雪、除霜、除冰),医用酒精(适用范围:除雪、除霜、除冰)。Deicing agent (application scope: snow removal, defrosting, deicing), medical alcohol (application scope: snow removal, defrosting, deicing).
这两个除冰产品操作就比较方便了,直接喷在结冰的挡风玻璃上,然后打开雨刷就能够刮掉雪和冰了,不用像除冰桶和除冰铲一样,站在寒风中操作。These two deicing products are more convenient to operate. They can be sprayed directly on the icy windshield, and then the wipers can be turned on to scrape off the snow and ice. There is no need to stand in the cold wind like the deicing bucket and deicing shovel.
并且除了挡风玻璃结冰之外,车门把手结冰,车窗结冰也能用,这一点也比除冰铲和除冰桶好用一些。And in addition to the icing of the windshield, the icing of the door handles and the icing of the windows can also be used, which is also better than the de-icing shovel and the de-icing bucket.
但除冰剂和医用酒精也有不同之处,为此我单独做了个小实验给大家看!But there are also differences between deicer and medical alcohol, so I did a small experiment for everyone to see!
我用除冰剂和医用酒精,分别融化了两个质量相同的冰块,然后把它们分别装在烧杯里放进冰箱冷冻了一晚。I used deicer and medical alcohol to melt two ice cubes of the same quality, then put them in a beaker and put them in the freezer for one night.
第二天我拿出来烧杯查看时,用医用酒精融化的冰块水又结冰了,但是被除冰剂融化的冰块水却没有结冰。When I took out the beaker the next day to check, the ice cube water melted with medical alcohol froze again, but the ice cube water melted by the deicing agent did not freeze.
这说明用除冰剂除冰后,在一定时间可以有效的防止二次结冰,但酒精不行。这是因为酒精是会快速挥发的,而除冰剂却不会,它的除冰效果在短时间内还会存在。This shows that after deicing with deicing agent, it can effectively prevent secondary icing for a certain period of time, but alcohol cannot. This is because alcohol evaporates quickly, but deicers do not, and its deicing effect will persist for a short period of time.
除雪刷(适用范围:除雪、除霜、除冰)。Snow brush (applicable scope: snow removal, defrosting, deicing).
除雪刷的应用范围我觉得还挺广的,基本挡风玻璃上的雪、冰、霜,都能除干净。即使在积雪很厚的情况下也可以使用,而且产品上也做了很多防护,不用担心弄坏汽车,使用时长大概两到三年,性价比较高,如果是长期需要除雪的话建议购买此类产品。I think the application range of snow brushes is quite wide. Basically, snow, ice and frost on the windshield can be removed. It can be used even when the snow is very thick, and the product has a lot of protection, so you don't have to worry about damaging the car. The use time is about two to three years, and the price is relatively high. If you need to remove snow for a long time, it is recommended to buy this kind of product.
所以除雪刷适用于全车除雪除冰除霜,除冰剂比较适合用于挡风玻璃的除冰,而医用酒精可以用于紧急情况下的除雪和除冰。Therefore, the snow brush is suitable for snow removal, ice removal and defrosting of the whole vehicle, deicing agent is more suitable for deicing the windshield, and medical alcohol can be used for snow removal and deicing in emergency situations.
如果你要长期使用,我觉得还是除冰剂要更好一些,毕竟放一瓶酒精在车上也是一件很危险的事儿。If you are going to use it for a long time, I think it is better to use a deicer. After all, it is very dangerous to put a bottle of alcohol in the car.
以上就是我对这5种除冰除雪产品的测评,希望能够帮助到各位~The above is my evaluation of these 5 deicing and snow removal products, I hope it can help you~